Help Morwin/Mephit

Help Morwin/Mephit (Insight 41+)
Items Needed:
  • 10 Charred Bones
Morwin Procedure:
  • Speak with Morwin in the left corner of Asilon.
  • Kill Smoldys in the Asilon Prairie to get Charred Bones. Return when you have 10.
Mephit Procedure:
  • Speak with Mephit in the right corner of Asilon.
  • Kill Smoldys in the Asilon Prairie to get Charred Bones. Return when you have 10.
  • Legend Mark "Helped Morwin/Mephit"
  • Kanna Wind Necklace(Morwin) or Kanna Flame Necklace(Mephit)