Perfect Hairstyle (Insight 1+)
Eeva, Suomi Innkeeper |
Items Needed:
- Braid (Jade Ring / 2 Fior Sal)
- Teased (Finished Coral / Blue Powder)
- Straight (2 Raw Wax / Fior Srad)
- Wavy
(Wolf Skin / Fior Srad / Fior Athar)
- Ponytail (5 Spider's Silk)
- Bun
(Magus or Holy Toque)
- Loops (Leather Belt / Dirk)
- Twist (Pearl Necklace)
- Speak with the Suomi Innkeeper
- Get the selected items for the hairstyle you wish to choose for Eeva and give them to her.
- Emerald Ring and 15k Experience
- Emerald Ring, Jade Ring and 25k Experience
- Legend Mark "Loved by Suomi Mundanes" and 50k Experience