West Woodlands (Insight 15+)
Throttler in West Woodlands 12-1 (21,20) |
Items Needed:
Wife Procedure:
- Talk with Throttler in West Woodlands 12.
- Go to all the female mundanes in Mileth and say "Throttler Wife." Especially to Fae, Mileth Priestess
- Return and give the letter to Throttler
Wolf Skin Procedure:
- Talk with Throttler in West Woodlands 12.
- Get 10 wolf skins and return.
Hunt a Wolf Procedure (66+):
- Talk with Throttler in West Woodlands 12.
- Go to 20-1 and slay the wolf (only creature there).
- Return and speak with him.
- 50k/15k/100k Experience
- Legend Mark "Hunted down a wolf of West Woodland"