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![]() Guilds
To start a Guild one must speak with the Mundane at the Abel Tavern. After you meet the requirements you may create a Guild. A Guild name can be a max of 14 characters, and must be an unique name. As a guild leader you will have a number of abilities to perform. These are: See Members, Admit Members, Remove Members, Appoint Council, Remove Council, Leave Guild, Transfer Leadership, Guild Bank - Gold or Inventory (View/Deposit/Withdraw). One of the special features is the Guild Leader is the only one who can Administer the Guild Tablet and withdraw from Guild Bank. Guilds may also participate in Guild Castle Battles and once they reach 128 members can obtain an Guild Tablet (write to Mundanes) or purchase a Guild Awakening Point for 200M (write to Mundanes). Joining a Guild To join a Guild the Aisling must be insight 11 or greater. Features you'll be able to perform include: See Members, Leave Guild, Guild Bank - Gold or Inventory (View/Deposit). Other Guilds often have admission protocols to follow such as applications or invitations. Please check specific Guild for their Admission Protocols.
To start a Fellowship one must speak with the Mundane at the Abel Tavern. After you meet the requirements you may create a Fellowship. A Fellowship name can be a max of 14 characters, and must be an unique name. A Fellowship will have a maximum of 15 members total. They can not participate in Guild Castle Battles, appoint Councilors, have a Guild Bank, obtain an Guild Tablet or purchase an Awakening Point. They do have the feature to convert into a Guild if they meet the requirements. Joining a Fellowship To join a Fellowship the Aisling must be insight 11 or greater. Other Fellowships often have admission protocols to follow such as applications or invitations. Please check specific Fellowship for their Admission Protocols.